Leveraging R-Ladies Paris Reach for Community Impact

Chaima Boughanmi - Mouna Belaid



  1. Introduction to R-Ladies Global and R-Ladies Paris
  2. Tips and advice for maintaining an R-Ladies Chapter
  3. What kind of support can you expect?
  4. Connecting with R-Ladies at useR! 2024 in Salzburg
  5. Guidelines for opening a new chapter

Introduction of R-Ladies Global

Introduction of R-Ladies Global

- Organization dedicated to promoting gender diversity in the R programming community.

- Founded in 2012, by Gabriela de Queiroz.

- It aims to create a supportive network for gender minorities who use R.

- Missions achieved by organizing meetups, workshops, and social events.

Chapters around the world

Introduction of R-Ladies Paris

Introduction of R-Ladies Paris

- Was founded in 2016.

- Serves as a vibrant community for R practitioners based in France.

- Provides a supportive environment where members can learn, share, and grow together.

Our organizing team

Mouna Belaid - Data Consultant mounabelaid.netlify.app

Chaima Boughanmi - Data Scientist chaimabgh.netlify.app

Our 2023 Annual Report

Overview of our Meetups in 2023

Activities promoting R-Ladies Paris

Mouna presented the R-Ladies Paris community at the Rencontres R french local conference dedicated to R users, held in France in June 2023.

Mouna was awarded the Opportunity Scholarship and had the chance to meet fellow R-Ladies members at the posit:conf(2023), held in Chicago.

Activities promoting R-Ladies Paris

This year Chaima was awarded the Opportunity Scholarship and will be attending the posit::conf(2024) that will be held in August in Seattle.

How to maintain an R-Ladies chapter?

How to maintain an R-Ladies chapter?

Identify speakers and relevant topics for your community

How to maintain an R-Ladies chapter?

Where to find potential speakers?

  • Visit the Directory provided by R-Ladies Global on their official website. The directory is filled with information about speakers who believe in R-Ladies’ mission.

  • Look for speakers on Slack at the R-Ladies Community and the R-Ladies workspace dedicated to organizers.

How to maintain an R-Ladies chapter?

Make meetups accessible to everyone interested

  • Share Recording Videos on YouTube.

  • Use platforms like Zoom or Google Meet to host virtual meetups, take advantage of interactive features such as screen sharing, breakout rooms, and live Q&A sessions to keep participants engaged.

  • Use Meetup to promote your events.

How to maintain an R-Ladies chapter?

Collecting testimonies from speakers

What kind of support you can expect?

What kind of support you can expect?

Gain valuable support from the R-Ladies chapter mentoring program

  • Any experienced R-Ladies organizers can be mentors, as long as they have the time to commit to mentorship.

What kind of support you can expect?

Benefits from the digital infrastructure provided by R-Ladies Global

  • Custom rladies.org email address.
  • Subscription on meetup.com
  • Hosting online meetups via R-Ladies Global Zoom account
  • Share meetup replays on R-Ladies Global YouTube channel.

What kind of support you can expect?

Explore R-Ladies Slack channels

  • The Organizers’ Slack workspace has a lot of channels that cover different topics, such as jobs, online meetups, and more.

  • You can create a channel on Slack for communication within your chapter’s organizing team.

What kind of support you can expect?

Ask for a grant from R Consortium

What kind of support you can expect?

Get visible through the awesome R-Ladies Blogs and the R-Ladies Bot developed by Cosima Meyer

  • Setting up the Awesome R-Ladies‘ Blogs Repository
  • Building Mastodon Bots

Connecting with R-Ladies at useR! 2024 in Salzburg

Connecting with R-Ladies at useR! 2024 in Salzburg

  • Join R-Ladies Meetup dinner at Austria’s oldest wheat beer brewery on July 8.

  • “Balancing Global Infrastructure and Local Autonomy: Lessons from R-Ladies Global” - Shannon Pileggi on July 8.

  • Join fellow R-Ladies during lunch on July 9. Look for the reserved table, and join the R-Ladies community for a Birds of a Feather discussion.


Guidelines for opening a new chapter

Interested in starting a new R-Ladies chapter?

Thank you for your attention!